Discharge Instructions
If you have been discharged from an allergic reaction and was prescribed a medication, it is important to follow the instructions in order to control the reaction.
- Stay away from the cause of the allergy. If it was from a different medication, a substitute medication or procedure should have been addressed.
- Apply cold compresses to any itching or hives.
Get emergency help right away if you:
- Have trouble breathing
- Swelling occurs in the mouth or throat
- Tightening in the chest Allergy gets worse or new symptoms arise.
If you have been discharged from a burn, it is important to follow medical instructions to keep the injury clean and free from germs.
- If prescribed a burn cream, follow all instructions.
- Wash hands before handling the injury.
- If the burn is required to be bandaged, always keep the bandage clean.
- Apply a new bandage to the burn after washing (showers are okay) once the area is completely dry.
- Stay hydrated.
- Do not pick at the burn or pop any blisters.
Get emergency help right away if you: - The area is infected (swelling and puffiness, foul smell) Red streaks extending from the site.
- You have a temperature over 104.
If you have been discharged for conjunctivitis (pink eye), it is important to follow medical instructions in order to not prolong the infection or spread it.
- If prescribed an antibiotic, follow all instructions. It is important to use the antibiotic for as long as instructed, even if you are feeling better or the eye looks better.
- Always wash hands after touching your face.
- Do not rub your eye. Drainage from eye can be removed with warm water and cotton balls. Do not reuse a wash rag on the infected eye.
- Do not wear contact lens or make up until the antibiotic treatment is finished.
Get emergency help right away if you:
- Do not see an improvement after 2-5 days or if it worsens.
- If your eyesight declines or eyelids become red and puffy
If you have been discharged for migraine headache, it is important to follow medical instructions to complete treatment.
- If medication is prescribed, follow the instructions. Never increase dosage in order to rid the migraine faster.
- Refrain from alcohol use during a migraine and especially when taking medications for migraines.
- Stay hydrated
It may be helpful to:
- Lie down (dark room, minimal noise)
- Refrain from alcohol
- Refrain from smoking
- Reduce stress
- Get more rest
- Keep a log of foods or medicines that may be consumed prior to migraines, in order to develop a pattern.
Get emergency help right away if you:
- Still have a migraine after the recommended dosage
- Neck is stiff
- Balance and coordination are decreasing
- Feel that you may faint.
- Have vision problems
- Have muscle weakness
- if the migraine becomes the worst one experienced.
If you have been discharged for hypertension, it is important to follow medical instructions in order to maintain a healthy and ideal blood pressure.
- If medication is prescribed, follow the instructions. Make an appointment at ERgent Med to return before the medication is out, in order to get a refill in a timely manner.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle as discussed with the provider.
- Keep a blood pressure log if requested by the provider, logs can be written on any scrap of paper or we can supply you with one.
- Limit alcohol use.
- Refrain from smoking and drug use.
- Discuss any new medications with the provider before starting it while on blood pressure medication.
Get emergency help right away if you:
- If you have a high blood pressure reading (top number is above 180)
- If you have pressure or pain in your chest or abdomen area.
- If you have blurred vision, feeling faint or dizzy.
- If you have a hard time breathing.
- If you have a headache that won’t go away for unexplained vomiting.
If you have been discharged for sinusitis, it is important to follow medical instructions in order to clear the infection.
- Follow medication instructions and let your provider know if you take any other medications, in case they may interfere. Antibiotics are to be taken the full amount of time/dosage as prescribed in order to fully clear the infection.
- Stay hydrated.
- Saline nose sprays and heat/ice packs may provide relief.
Get emergency help right away if:
- The pain or swelling increases or does not go away after 3-5 days on the medication.
- You have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- You have unexplained vomiting.
If you have been discharged with a splint, it is important to follow medical instructions in order to properly heal.
- If you were prescribed a medication, follow the instructions completely. You may require a follow up with the provider in order to receive a refill.
- Keep the injured area elevated.
- The bandage may be loosened slightly if there is uncomfortableness from swelling.
- Keep the bandage clean and dry
Get emergency help right away if:
- Swelling and pain increases
- Numbness, tingling or change of color (purple or blue) in fingers/toes of injury.
If you have been discharged with sutures, it is important to follow medical instructions in order to properly heal and keep wound free of germs.
- If you were prescribed a medication, follow the instructions completely.
- Keep the sutured area clean, always wash hands when dealing with the wound. Area can be cleaned with warm water and a mild soap.
- Do not pick at the wound.
- After two days, change the bandage (if provider requires). Allow the skin to dry completely before applying a new bandage.
- Do not stretch or strain the skin with the sutures.
- You may need to come back in for suture removal.
Get emergency help right away if:
- Swelling and pain increases
- Tingling or numbing in the area of the sutures (after local anesthesia)
- Skin is puffy/swollen, warm to the touch or has a discharge.
- Any raised temperature requires follow up.
- Bleeding from the suture site or ripped sutures.
If you have been discharged with a urinary tract infection (UTI), it is important to follow medical instructions in order to properly rid of the infection.
- Follow all instructions to medications prescribed. Antibiotics must be taken at the full dosage and amount of time in order to properly clear the infection.
- Stay hydrated.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks.
- Cranberry juice can be helpful.
- Urinate often.
Get emergency help right away if:
- After three days, the problem is getting worse or has not improved.
- Any raised temperature requires immediate follow up.
- Lower back or abdominal pain.
- You have unexplained vomiting or chills.
If you have been discharged for arthritis, it is important to follow medical instructions in order to proceed with joint healing and comfort.
- If you were prescribed a medication, follow the instructions. Your provider should know of any other medications you are taking as well.
- Rest the joint as often as possible.
- Stay hydrated.
- Only exercise the joint according to the provider.
- Warm shower/baths and 15 minute cold compresses may help discomfort.
Get emergency help right away:
- If you have a high temperature that cannot be controlled by medication.
- If you are having increased joint pain, puffiness and swelling.
- If you feel unbalanced, dizzy or faint.
- If your affected area begins to feel numb.
- If you develop back pain or leg weakness.
If you have been discharged for strep throat, it is important to follow medical instructions for faster recovery.
- If prescribed a medication, follow the instructions. Antibiotics should be taken for the amount of dosage and time prescribed in order to fully work.
- Stay hydrated.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Wash hands often.
- Eat soft, bland foods.
- Gargling warm, salt water may provide comfort.
Get emergency help right away if:
- You have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- You feel faint, dizzy or unbalanced.
- You are dehydrated.
- You have unexplained neck and/or back pain or stiffness.
- You have a hard time breathing or shortness of breath.
- Throat pain has increased and/or drooling.
- Your spit is anything but clear (green, yellow or bloody).
- You have difficulty waking or staying alert.
If you have been discharged for infectious mononucleosis (mono), it is important to follow medical instructions for fast recovery and to reduce the risk of spreading.
- If prescribed medication, follow the instructions.
- Stay hydrated.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Wash hands often.
- Eat soft and cold foods.
- Limit impact sports.
- Avoid/minimize contact with others. Mono is highly contagious.
Get emergency help right away if:
- You have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- You feel faint, dizzy or unbalanced.
- You are dehydrated.
- You have unexplained neck and/or back pain or stiffness.
- You have a hard time breathing or shortness of breath.
- You are confused, have a hard time waking or staying alert.
- You are convulsing or constant vomiting.
- If you have yellowed skin or eyes (jaundice).
If you have been discharged for influenza (flu), it is important to follow medical instructions for faster recovery.
- If you were prescribed a medication, follow the instructions.
- Stay hydrated.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Wash hands often.
Get emergency help right away if:
- You have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- You feel faint, dizzy or unbalanced.
- You are dehydrated.
- You have unexplained neck and/or back pain or stiffness.
- You have a hard time breathing or shortness of breath.
For children, it is important to seek medical help right away if these issues arise or if their health does not seem to improve. Medical assistance may also be required if the child refuses/cannot take medication. Do not give a child aspirin.
Unfortunately, new ailments can arise after the influenza. Ear infections, sinusitis and pneumonia are a few ailments that can follow the flu. Return to ERgent Med for an exam if you suspect an illness to follow the flu diagnosis.
If you have been discharged for an upper respiratory infection (cold), it is important to follow medical instructions for faster recovery.
- If you were prescribed a medication, follow the instructions.
- Stay hydrated.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Wash hands often.
Get emergency help right away if:
- You have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- You feel fail, dizzy or unbalanced.
- Your symptoms are getting worse.
- You are dehydrated.
- You have unexplained neck and/or back pain or stiffness.
- You have a hard time breathing or shortness of breath.
- If you are wheezing.
- If you have yellow or green mucus/nasal discharge.
- If throat pain increases or white spots appear on the back of the throat.
Children can often get an ear infection as a result to a cold. See your provider if the child complains of ear pain. Seek medical attention if the child refuses/cannot take medication or seems non alert.
If you have been discharged with a prescription for an antibiotic, it is very important to follow the medical instructions in order to properly heal the infection and prevent reoccurrence.
- Do not consume alcohol while on an antibiotic.
- Antibiotics must be completed with the proper dosage and time frame in order to rid the infection.
- Some antibiotics are required to be refrigerated. Ask the pharmacist if you are unsure.
- Discuss all other medications with your provider before taking the antibiotic and do not add any new medications while on the antibiotic without discussion prior.
Get emergency help right away if:
- You have a reaction to the antibiotic.
- If you have a temperature over 104 that cannot be controlled by medication.
- If you feel unbalanced, dizzy or faint.
- If after 3-4 days of antibiotic use, the symptoms do not improve or get worse.

5248 New Jesup Highway (I-95 at Exit 36B) Brunswick, Ga. 31523
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Sat 9am-4pm

Primary Care Inquiries
Hi There!
Questions, concerns, or comments?
We’d love to hear from you!
*If this is an emergency, please dial 911 immediately!
ERgent Med – Brunswick
5248 New Jesup Highway
Brunswick, Ga. 31523
MON – FRI: 9am – 6pm
SAT: 9am – 4pm
ERgent Med – St. Simons
106 Retreat Village
St. Simons Island, Ga. 31522 912-434-9316
MON – FRI: 9am – 6pm
SAT: 9am – 4pm